deirdre c morris is a human, human-ing…along the way they developed a few skills, shared them with others, lead some folks on life altering artistic journey’s, and performed as a site responsive movement artist, director, and teacher around the globe.
deirdre’s current practice rests in tracking sensations within seasons, in particular, the quality of light in forests, how time passes, what space feels like, and, what wants to be made conscious through relational knowing.
deirdre’s research explores the relationship between organic and man made sites, and the desires & the stories we place upon them. They are interested in mobilizing embodied agency - through reciprocal relationships and deep states of meditative movement that offer balm whenever possible.
deirdre directs the project, ‘The Forgotten Body Remembers’, a site for devising performance and relational somatics, and is one of the Curatorial Producer’s for LACE: Impulstanz Symposium on Dance and Other Contemporary Practices.
deirdre received their MFA from the University of California Davis (2014), where they focused on Interdisciplinary Performance Studies.
You can find some of their work here: